Healing Arts
Art is Skillful Creation
“Art created as Love unites with your eyes and your heart. Hold it’s gaze” – Melody Spring
Art is My Life and My Life is My Art
Every artwork I create in a very specific meditative & intentional process. My work instantiates harmony, beauty and love -incorporating sacred geometry principles, symbols and classical art ideals.
One Art that I live and practice is: JIN SHIN JYUTSU®
literally translated as:
SHIN – Creator
JIN – Man of Knowing and Compassion
(Art of the Creator through man of knowing and compassion)
A hands on Japanese Art, Jin Shin Jyutsu empowers one to harmonize and relax the body, mind & spirit. As “The Art of getting to KNOW (help) myself”, the application of the knowledge to balance one’s own life energy through Self Help is one of the greatest gifts of this art.
Try a flow on yourself <3
I am happy to talk to you and give you a free personalized consultation. Book a Jin Shin Jyutsu session with me personally for the limited time special Introductory Rate of $40 for an hour session.