Another celebration calls, I am so happy the full moon is almost here! Tomorrow, March 5th the moon will be in full bloom, giving us another cycle and opportunity to reflect and grow, as all things are amplified with the full moon. This time of month always serves as a reminder for me to be aware of the state of mind I am in and what thoughts and actions I have been choosing, as everything is amplified, so is my state of being. Sometimes the ride is more rough than others. Good news, nothing is permanent and we always have a choice and a hand in creating our future. Here’s to renewing my vows of consciously choosing love in every thought, action and decision as continual, ever evolving daily practice ♥ Cheers! My Intention for this full moon: To truly “See the Bigger Picture- which does not paint one side as right and the other side as wrong, but is able to see the Light and shadow of all parties or parts involved so that the full picture is illuminated- We can experience deep healing and release at this Full Moon” ~Quote from Mystic Mama
Moving to the Heart This Full Moon ♥ ♥ ♥
by Melody Spring | Mar 4, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments