You are invited to join us at Location 1980 for the “Slave to the Wave” exhibition!
Opening Reception Friday 28, from 7pm to 10pm
July 28-August 28, 2017
Light refreshments available and free admissions for the public
What will you do for a great wave? “Slave to the Wave” exhibition explores our connection with the ocean and nature through the eyes of a surfer. Support the local environment and enjoy beautiful artwork while preserving our oceans for future generations.A supporting arts movement and collaboration with local water preservation groups such as Emersus, artists, museums such as the Huntington Beach Art Center.
The world of professional surfing comes to Huntington Beach in the last week of July for the U.S. Open every year. In unison with the “Women of Surfing” exhibition history of arts at the Huntington Beach Art Center who are showcasing all women artists. We are hosting an all inclusive “Surf Art” exhibition at Location 1980 in Costa Mesa, featuring both men and women artists.
Location 1980 | 1980 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Gallery Hours
T: 9AM-2PM | Fr: 9AM-2PM | By Appointment
Closed Sun & most holidays.